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September 07, 2024

Blackstone training is developed and delivered by leading North American experts.


Jean Block brings more than 45 years of experience in the non-profit sector.  She served on various boards as well as in leadership positions in local, regional and national organizations.  Ms. Block provides training on non-profit management, board development, marketing and social enterprise.  An author of two books, "The ABCs of Building Better Boards" and "Fast Fundraising Facts for Fame and Fortune", Ms. Block is a founding partner of Social Enterprise Ventures, LLC, consulting non-profits on diversifying revenues through earned income.

Dr. Jeff Daum is an internationally-renowned expert in  the field of Human Resources.  His services have been sought in over 42 countries for an array of non-profit clients and government agencies.  His private sector clients include EDS, General Motors, JCPenney, Motorola, Bristol-Myers and UPS, among others.  Dr. Daum served on the faculties of New York University and West Florida University and his work is regularly published in numerous professional and lay journals.

Elaine Forbes is an instructor in the Post Graduate Program at Sheridan College.  A leading expert in designing strategic plans, feasibility studies, board assessments and evaluation plans for non-profits at all levels, Ms. Forbes has been delivering non-profit workshops for over 25 years.  Most recently, she assisted agencies in planning various forms of program devolutions, partnerships, acquisitions and mergers.  Ms. Forbes has written a national reference book on the topic, ‘Innovate, Collaborate or Die’, as well as a series of articles on the topic in Canadian Fundraiser.

Gregory Philliban conducts numerous project and stakeholder management training sessions.  He holds a facilitator/instructor certificate, a Certificate in Project Management and Project Management Professional certification from PMI.  Mr. Philliban has provided training sessions for numerous federal government departments, crown agencies, environmental groups and an array of associations.  He is a member of Canadian Management Centre's highly respected Ontario Public Sector Centre of Excellence cadre of faculty practitioners.